On December 12, 2018, the Federalist Papers Project — a known purveyor of corrosive disinformation — published “Migrants DEMAND $50,000 Each to go Home, Or Else …” (filed under “opinion”), an article littered
Publication: caravana migrante
Truth or Fiction?→ From Central America to the United States Border, a Journey of Lies
A highly publicized caravan of people traveling from Central America in order to turn themselves in at the United States border to request asylum — one of many groups who have done so over the years — has been dogged from start to finish by false
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Asylum-Seekers Writing Numbers on Their Arms at the United States Border?
Amid stories of unarmed adults and children getting teargassed over an international border by United States forces, infants being taken from their parents, and asylum-seekers being concentrated in detention camps, yet another image appeared to evoke a
Truth or Fiction?→ Was Teargas Used ‘Once a Month’ at the Border Under the Obama Administration?
The days following a cross-border chemical attack by American forces on unarmed members of a caravan of men, women, and children from Central America across the border with Mexico were filled with disinformation and outright propaganda as people and or
Truth or Fiction?→ Were Photographs Showing the United States Firing Teargas at a Crowd in Mexico ‘Staged’?
On November 25th, 2018, at the tail end of the long Thanksgiving weekend in the United States, the United States government closed down the San Ysidro port of entry — one of the busiest land crossings in the world — into and out of Mexico. When a g
Truth or Fiction?→ Is a Caravan of Central American Asylum-Seekers Demanding Special Treatment?
An annual caravan of people traveling from Central America to the United States to seek asylum and refuge from extreme violence in their home countries has been beset by falsehoods, lies, and disinformation from start to finish — from baseless claim
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Members of a Refugee Caravan Defiling American Flags on Their Way to the United States?
An annual caravan heading from Central America to the southern United States border to seek asylum has been beset by rumors, misinformation, and dramatic disinformation during the 2018 election cycle. Participants in the annual event are generally fro
Were Seven Children Rescued From Smugglers Embedded in a ‘Migrant Caravan’ in Guatemala?
On October 25th, 2018, as bots and paid trolls pushed talking points on social media about a caravan of people from Honduras on their way to Mexico’s border with the United States to turn themselves in to seek asylum, the Judicial Watch blog published a shocking story about seven children who were saved from human […]
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Will Hurricane Willa Hit a Refugee Caravan in Mexico?
As a caravan of thousands of hopeful asylum-seekers from Central America continued to swell as the annual pilgrimage entered Mexico, so did rumors about them in the United States. One such rumor appeared on October 21, 2018, just after the group left Guatemala and entered Mexico: It appears that the migrant caravan, which has been […]
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