Susan Rice Unmasked Trump Transition Team, Leaked Information-Truth! & Fiction! & Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice requested that the identities of Trump transition team officials be unmasked in intelli
Publication: barack obama
Truth or Fiction?→ Obama Aide Evelyn Farkas Admits Spying on Donald Trump’s Team-Mostly Fiction!
Obama Aide Evelyn Farkas Admits Spying on Donald Trump’s Team-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Former Obama administration aide Evelyn Farkas admitted in an appearance on MSNBC that she helped President Obama spy on President Trump’s ca
Snopes→ Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?
Evelyn Farkas' 2 March 2017 MSNBC interview was decoupled from its context involving a 1 March 2017 article about efforts to preserve Obama-era intelligence.
Truth or Fiction?→ Larry Klayman Releases Proof of FBI Director Jim Comey Massive Cover Up-Unproven!
Larry Klayman Releases Proof of FBI Director Jim Comey Massive Cover Up-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Conservative attorney Larry Klayman has released 600 million pages of information from a whistleblower about NSA wiretapping that proves FBI Director J
Snopes→ Did President Trump Bestow $100 Million Upon Flint, Michigan?
Partisans debate who deserves credit for the $100 million grant awarded by the EPA to Michigan for water infrastructure upgrades in Flint.
Snopes→ IJR Staffers Suspended for Promoting Obama Conspiracy Theory
Independent Journal Review suspended three staff members, including chief content officer Benny Johnson, for suggesting that Obama may have interfered in a Hawaii judge's ruling on the Trump travel ban.
Snopes→ Obama Orders Life-Sized Bronze Statue of Himself to Be Permanently Installed in White House?
Reports about President Obama's placement of a hubristic statue in the Oval Office are fake news.
Truth or Fiction?→ President Obama Evicted from DC Mansion-Fiction!
President Obama Evicted from DC Mansion-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Obama has been evicted from his Washington, D.C., mansion for violating a major clause in the lease. The Truth: A website known for publishing “facts that don’t n
Truth or Fiction?→ Tax Audit: Obama Hiding Taxpayers’ Millions in Offshore Accounts-Fiction!
Tax Audit: Obama Hiding Taxpayers’ Millions in Offshore Accounts-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A tax audit found that President Obama hid millions of taxpayers’ dollar in offshore accounts. The Truth: Reports that a tax audit revealed Preside
Truth or Fiction?→ Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams, Biological Father of Obama Daughters, Sues Obamas-Fiction!
Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams, Biological Father of Obama Daughters, Sues Obamas-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams, the biological father of Sasha and Malia Obama, has sued Barack and Michelle Obama for cutting Williams out of
Truth or Fiction?→ Oprah Said Old White People Must Die to End Racism-Truth! & Fiction!
Oprah Said Old White People Must Die to End Racism-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Oprah Winfrey once said that old white people must die to end racism or to achieve racial progress. The Truth: Oprah once said that some older people who we
Snopes→ Obamas Being Sued by Malia and Sasha’s Biological Father?
Reports that a man named Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams filed a lawsuit claiming that he was the biological father of the Malia and Sasha Obama are fake news.
Snopes→ Obama’s Half-Brother Tweets Image of Debunked Kenya Birth Certificate
Malik Obama reposted a scan of a long-debunked forged document supposedly proving that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.
Truth or Fiction?→ Malik Obama Drops Bombshell: President Obama’s Birth Certificate-Fiction!
Malik Obama Drops Bombshell: President Obama’s Birth Certificate-Fiction! The Truth: Malik Obama, President Obama’s half-brother, posted a photo of what appears to be Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate on Twitter. The Truth: M
Snopes→ Obama Evicted from His DC Mansion for Breaking One Major Clause in His Lease?
Reports that President Obama was evicted from his "mansion" in Washington, D.C., because he trashed the place are fake news.
Snopes→ Did the New York Times Contradict Their 20 January 2017 Report About Wiretapping?
An image showing a New York Times front page was circulated on social media along with statements accusing the publication of contradictory reporting about wiretaps.
Snopes→ Did Barack Obama Meet with Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.?
A photograph showing an adult Barack Obama with Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. is chronologically impossible.
Truth or Fiction?→ FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest in Trump Wiretap Scandal-Fiction!
FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest in Trump Wiretap Scandal-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The FBI has issued a warrant for President Obama’s arrest after revelations that he wiretapped Trump Tower’s phone lines ahead of the 2016 elec
Snopes→ Did 122 Prisoners Released from Guantanamo by President Obama Return to the Battlefield?
Although 122 detainees transferred from Guantanamo Bay were found to have subsequently engaged in terrorist activities, 113 of those detainees were released under the administration of President George W. Bush.
Snopes→ FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest After Confirming Illegal Trump Tower Wiretap?
Reports that former president Barack Obama was about to be arrested over charges of illegal wiretapping were fake news.
Truth or Fiction?→ Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction!
Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A message circulating across social media, discussion forums and forwarded emails warns that while Americans were
Snopes→ Man Pardoned by Obama Arrested for Murder?
Reports that a Florida drug trafficker pardoned by President Obama was re-arrested for the murder of his girlfriend are fake news.
Snopes→ Trump Accuses Obama of Tapping His Trump Tower Phones Before the Election
The President tweeted that he "Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory."
Truth or Fiction?→ Valerie Jarret Moves into the Obamas’ DC Home-Unproven!
Valeri Jarret Moves into the Obamas’ DC Home-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: President Obama’s former top White House Advisor Valorie Jarret has moved into the Obamas’ Washington, D.C., mansion to work in a newly created “nerve
Snopes→ Did Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett Move in with the Obamas to ‘Mastermind’ an Anti-Trump Insurgency?
Web sites are citing a tabloid claim that Valerie Jarrett, a friend and close adviser to the Obamas, is sharing their home as part of a plot to oust President Trump from office.
Snopes→ Obama Divorce Rumor Confirmed?
Reports that Michelle and Barack Obama have filed for divorce in Illinois originated with a satirical web site.
Snopes→ Trump Signs Law to Lower the Age of Consensual Sex to 13?
Reports about the President's lowering the age of sexual consent in the U.S. are recycled fake news.
Truth or Fiction?→ 13,000 Marines Apply for White House Detail After Trump’s Election-Unproven!
13,000 Marines Apply for White House Detail After President Trump’s Election-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: More than 13,000 Marines applied for White House guard duty after President Donald Trump was elected, none applied during President Barack
Snopes→ Did Trump Golf Six Times After Complaining About Obama’s Golfing Habits?
Memes claim that President Trump went golfing six times during his first month in office despite frequently criticizing President Obama for golfing while in office.
Snopes→ Is Obama ‘Commanding’ an Army of 30,000 Anti-Trump Activists From His Home?
We found no credible evidence of an "army" being commanded by the former president.