An outdated poll from 2014 was drastically misrepresented by a number of right-wing sites and pundits, none of whom appear to have correctly sourced their claim.
Publication: barack obama
Truth or Fiction?→ FBI Special Agent David Raynor Murdered Before Clinton Testimony-
FBI Agent David Raynor Murdered Ahead of Clinton Testimony-Reported as Fiction! Summary of eRumor: FBI Agent David Raynor was murdered with his own service weapon days before he was scheduled to testify against Hillary Clinton. The Truth: FBI Special A
Snopes→ Was the ‘Law to Separate Families’ Passed in 1997 or ‘by Democrats’?
There is no federal law mandating children and parents be separated at the border; a policy resulting in that outcome was enacted in May 2018.
Snopes→ Did Barack Obama Pardon More Than 330 Criminals During His Final Week in Office?
A popular meme confused pardons with commutations and spread an erroneous rumor about the former president.
Snopes→ Obama and the FBI — Connect the Dots
A photograph of President Obama with current and future FBI directors is neither ominous nor revealing.
Snopes→ Did President Obama Bow to Ayatollah Khamenei?
An image purportedly showing President Obama bowing to Iran's Ali Khamenei is actually a composite of at least two images.
Snopes→ Did Barack Obama and George W. Bush Tweet Criticisms of Kanye West?
Doctored images appear to show the 43rd and 44th U.S. presidents leading a Twitter backlash against the controversial rapper.
Truth or Fiction?→ Attorney Lisa Barsoomian Represents Hillary Clinton, Married to Rod Rosenstein -Fiction!
Attorney Lisa Barsoomian Represents Hillary Clinton, Married to Rod Rosenstein-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s wife, attorney Lisa Barsoomian, has represented Bill and Hillary Clinton for decades. That makes R
Snopes→ Did Donald Trump Tweet Warnings About Obama Ordering Syrian Airstrikes?
In 2013, Donald Trump issued multiple warnings to his predecessor about attacking Syria without congressional approval.
Truth or Fiction?→ Obamacare Article 54 Goes into Effect May 1, Will Divert 30% of Social Security-Fiction!
Obamacare Article 54 Goes into Effect May 1, Will Divert 30% of Social Security-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Article 54 of Obamacare will go into effect on May 1, 2018. The provision will divert 30 percent of all Social Security payments to providing in
Snopes→ Did the Obama Campaign Employ the Same Tactics as Cambridge Analytica?
Attempts at "whataboutism" with a scandal involving social media and psychographics fail to acknowledge that Cambridge Analytica obtained data by misleading people.
Snopes→ Did Obama’s Justice Department Force the FBI to Delete 500,000 Fugitives from a Background Check Database?
A Justice Department decision made under Obama and implemented under Trump has garnered bipartisan criticism for its effect on the national background check system.
Snopes→ Was Barack Obama Named in a Lawsuit for ‘Inciting Violence’ Against Police?
A lawsuit accusing former the former United States president of inciting violence against police officers was ultimately dismissed.
Snopes→ Did a Court Order Obama to Pay $400 Million in Restitution?
No huge sum of money was "lost," or is being personally repaid, by former President Obama.
Truth or Fiction?→ Melania Trump an Hired Exorcist to Rid the White House of Demons-Fiction!
Melania Trump an Hired Exorcist to Rid the White House of Obamas’ Demons-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: First Lady Melania Trump hired an exorcist to cleanse the White House of demons and pagan idols that the Obamas and Clintons left behind The Trut
Snopes→ Did Melania Trump Hire an Exorcist to Cleanse the White House of Obama ‘Demons’?
According to the First Lady's spokesperson, widely shared reports that she demanded a White House exorcism are "not true in any way."
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Rolled Back Law Blocking Gun Sales to the Mentally Ill-Truth!
President Trump Rolled Back Law Designed to Block Gun Sales to People with Mental Illness-Truth! Summary of eRumor: President Trump ended an Obama-era gun law that required background checks to block the sale of guns to people with mental illnesses. Th
Snopes→ Does Barack Obama’s Official Portrait Contain Secret Images of Sperm?
Far-right pundits went off the deep end after African-American artist Kehinde Wiley's portrait of Barack Obama was unveiled.
Snopes→ Did Obama’s Portraitist Paint an Image of a Black Woman Holding the Severed Head of a White Person?
Artist Kehinde Wiley is best known for reimagining classical heroic paintings using black men and women as his subjects.
Truth or Fiction?→ Donald Trump Changes “Obama Highway” Back to to “Old Dixie Highway”-Fiction!
Donald Trump Changes “Obama Highway” Back to to “Old Dixie Highway”-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Donald Trump has changed “President Obama Highway” back to its original name, “Old Dixie Highway.” The Truth
Snopes→ Did Trump Change the Name of the ‘Obama Highway’ Back to the ‘Old Dixie Highway?’
Reports that President Donald Trump had ordered the name to revert are just barely-sourced opinion pieces disguised as news.
Snopes→ Net Worths of Presidents
An image comparing changes in the financial status of former and current United States presidents is not particularly revealing.
Snopes→ Trump, Obama and the War on Christmas
A look at how the phrases "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" were used under President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama.
Snopes→ Did Queen Elizabeth Remove the Obamas from Royal Wedding Guest List?
Fake news web sites reported that Michelle Obama desperately wanted to attend Prince Harry's wedding but received a "brutal beatdown" from the queen.
Truth or Fiction?→ “Core Competency: Read Please and Wake Up America!” Commentary on Facebook-Fiction!
“Core Competency: Read Please and Wake Up America!” Commentary on Facebook-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A column headlined “Core Competency: Read Please and Wake Up America!” has circulated on Facebook. The Truth: T
Truth or Fiction?→ Intel Officer: Obama Could Be First President With Felony Indictment-Outdated!
Intel Officer: Obama Could Be First President With Felony Indictment-Reported as Fiction! Summary of eRumor: An intel officer said President Obama could be the first president in history with a felony indictment. The Truth: Retired Lt. Col. Anthony Sh
Truth or Fiction?→ President Obama Banned Nativity Scene at White House-Fiction!
President Obama Banned Nativity Scene Display at White House-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Rumors that President Obama banned a nativity scene displayed in the White House’s East Room have been circulating since 2009. The Truth: President Obama did
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Lifts Ban on Importing Elephant Trophies from Africa-Truth!
President Trump Lifts Ban on Importing Elephant Trophies from Africa-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: The Trump administration has lifted an Obama-era ban on importing elephant trophies taken from African countries like Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Truth or Fiction?→ Sylvia Thompson on NFL: Enough With the Victimhood Millionaire Athletes-Commentary!
Sylvia Thompson on NFL: Enough With the Victimhood Millionaire Athletes-Commentary! Summary of eRumor: Conservative commentator Sylvia Thompson penned a column on NFL protests titled, “Enough With the Victimhood: Millionaire Athletes and Their Lo
Truth or Fiction?→ Award for Sexual Predators: Obama Awarded Medal of Freedom to Clinton, Weinstein, Weiner, Cosby-Fiction!
Award for Sexual Predators: Obama Awarded Medal of Freedom to Clinton, Weinstein, Weiner, Cosby-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A meme shows images of President Obama awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Ant
Truth or Fiction?→ “The Enemy Among Us” Commentary By Charles Krauthammer- Incorrect Attribution!
“The Enemy Among Us” Commentary By Charles Krauthammer- Incorrect Attribution! Summary of eRumor: Charles Krauthammer has penned a column under the headline, “The Enemy Among Us,” about President Obama’s use of a group cal
Snopes→ Is Trump Spending More Taxpayer Dollars on Personal Travel than Obama Did?
Despite preliminary indications that the Trump family's government-paid travel expenses are higher than the Obamas', Internet rumors exaggerate the disparity.
Snopes→ Obama Explains National Anthem Stance?
Reports that Barack Obama said he would replace the U.S. national anthem with the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing' were fake news.
Snopes→ Barack Obama and 57 States
During a 2008 campaign stop, Barack Obama supposedly said that he had visited "57 states," a reference to 57 Islamic states.
Truth or Fiction?→ Chilling Item Links Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock’s Room Links to Barack Obama-Fiction!
Chilling Item Links Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock’s Room Links to Barack Obama-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Investigators found a “chilling item” in Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock’s hotel room that links him to President B
Snopes→ Did ‘Barack Obama’s Stylist’ Reveal He Is ‘a Gay’?
A "satirical" web site published an especially crude story about the former president, which was quickly picked up by bottom-feeder aggregators.
Truth or Fiction?→ Red Cross Stealing Donations from Doorsteps of Churches-Fiction! & Unproven!
Red Cross Stealing Donations from Doorsteps of Churches-Fiction! & Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Protected by Obama-era Executive Order 13603, the American Red Cross stole donations from the doorsteps of churches and resold them for a profit in th
Snopes→ Did Barack Obama Attach an Ominous Message to a Letter He Wrote to Donald Trump?
There was no threat in an Inauguration Day letter from former President Barack Obama to his successor.
Truth or Fiction?→ Hurricane Harvey Flooding Uncovers Secret Stash of Obama Administration Ammo-Fiction!
Hurricane Harvey Flooding Uncovers Secret Stash of Obama Administration Ammo-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Hurricane Harvey flooding led to the discovery of ammunition that the Obama administration hid in a small Texas town called Lexmar. The Truth: Fals
Snopes→ Did Hurricane Harvey Reveal Barack Obama’s Secret Ammunition Stash?
A "satirical" web site fabricated a story linking the fatal storm to the former president and 2015 military exercises at the U.S.-Mexico border.