Elephants are intelligent, social animals known to grieve the loss of their kin.
Publication: Animals
Snopes→ Do Dogs See Only in Shades of Blue and Yellow?
Our best friends see the world a little differently.
Truth or Fiction?→ U.S. Military Dogs Being Evacuated From Afghanistan
On August 16 2021, CNN reporter Natasha Bertrand shared an image on Twitter which puportedly showed dogs with the United States military dogs as they were getting moved out of Afghanistan as its cities rapidly fell to the Taliban: U.S. military dogs
Snopes→ Is This a Titanoboa Monster Snake Skeleton?
A prehistoric snake dubbed Titanoboa cerrejonensis is estimated to have been an astonishing 42.5 feet in length.
Snopes→ Are US Animal Shelters Seeing Pet Returns After ‘Pandemic Puppy Boom’?
This pandemic decision came with long-term responsibilities.
Truth or Fiction?→ Are People Returning Pandemic Pets?
Social media and “shaming” often go hand in hand, as was the case with claims that pets were being returned en masse by selfish owners in May 2021 after adopting them at the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic: Can we all agree the
Snopes→ Is This a Drunk Gorilla Punching a Photographer?
There are all kinds of 'forest legends' of animals like elephants getting drunk.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Spring/Summer PSA’ on Rabbit Nests and Mowing
As spring began in the Northern Hemisphere, screenshots of a post warning readers planning yardwork to be on the lookout for rabbits and their nests began to circulate: We were able to track down what appeared to be the original post (frequently share
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Please DO NOT Offer Yarn, String or Human Hair for Birds to Build Nests!
In March 2021, a Facebook post circulated, warning readers not to leave certain materials for birds to use in their nests: Please DO NOT offer yarn, string or human hair for birds to build nests! Every year we see both young and adult birds… Pos
Hoax-Slayer→ HOAX – ‘Deadly Snow Snake’ Image
This story was first published on March 4, 2014 Outline Circulating message claims that an attached image depicts the deadly ‘snow snake’.… The post HOAX – ‘Deadly Snow Snake’ Image appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Hoax-Slayer→ TRUE – Giant Coconut Crab Photographs
Circulating message claims that attached photographs depict a very large type of crab called the Coconut Crab because of its ability to crack coconuts with its strong claws. The post TRUE – Giant Coconut Crab Photographs appeared first on Hoax-Sl
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Koalas ‘Functionally Extinct’ as of November 2019?
In November 2019, Facebook page “The Other 98%” was among others on social media sharing the news that koalas had become “functionally extinct” after bushfires in Australia: Under a photograph of a koala that appeared to
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Ears are Straight, Fawn is Great, Ears are Curled, Fawn is Alone in the World’ Wildlife Rescue Meme
In October 2019, the Facebook page “Wild Souls Wildlife Rescue and Rehab” shared a following meme advising people to leave fawns with straight ears alone, because “curled ears” are indicative that a young deer has been abando
Snopes→ Photo Shows Black Bear Relaxing at Hotel
New Hampshire routinely has reports of bears finding their way into homes, campgrounds and even apartment complexes.
Snopes→ Animal Rescue Group Needs Discarded Bras for Injured Turtles
An animal rehabilitation group in Iowa originally had the idea, saying it uses the fasteners along with small zip ties to help the turtles heal their broken shells.
Snopes→ Firefighters Rescue Squirrel Stuck in Manhole Cover
It was treated for superficial neck wounds and is expected to soon be released back into the wild.
Truth or Fiction?→ Does an Image Show Dogs Euthanized in a Single Day in an Average American Shelter?
On June 2 2019, the Facebook page “Pawz” shared the following post (archived here), tugging on readers’ heartstrings by claiming that the photograph represented routine daily euthanizations in an average shelter: A caption implied
Truth or Fiction?→ Are ‘Cow Fart Bags’ Being Used to Fight Climate Change?
On May 14 2019, a Facebook user shared the following post (archived here), purporting to show “cow fart bags” advocated as a climate change solution by “fringe leftists”: It was almost as if a post lamenting that “you
Snopes→ Does a Photograph Show a Species of Megabat?
The largest bats in the world have wingspans of more than 5 feet.
Hoax-Slayer→ TRUE: Warning – Grapes and Raisins Toxic to Dogs And Cats
Circulating message warns that grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and cats. The post TRUE: Warning – Grapes and Raisins Toxic to Dogs And Cats appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Snopes→ Strolling Horse Causes Stir in Frankfurt
Owner Werner Weischedel says his old nag Jenny has been taking her daily jaunts for 14 years
Hoax-Slayer→ Photos of Big Gator With a Deer in its Mouth
Photographs circulating via email and social media show a large alligator with a full-grown deer in its mouth. The post Photos of Big Gator With a Deer in its Mouth appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Snopes→ Did This Gorilla Learn How to Knit?
"The discovery will no doubt be apeeling to the debate of how intelligent gorillas are."
Snopes→ Is the Malabar Giant Squirrel a Real Animal?
It's big, furry, and very colorful.
Snopes→ Polar Bears Invade Russian Town; Locals Delighted But Wary
Regional authorities in Russia declared a state of emergency over the weekend after the bears peered into homes, entered buildings and gorged at a garbage dump outside the town.
Snopes→ Police: Pot Smokers Find Caged Tiger in Abandoned House
Authorities nicknamed the tiger "Tyson" after the movie "The Hangover."
Snopes→ Rare Tiger Kills Prospective Mate in London at First Meeting
It was a tragic end to hopes that the two would eventually breed as part of a Europe-wide tiger conservation program for the endangered Sumatran subspecies.
Snopes→ Did This Bird Keep a Puppy Warm in Montana?
Photographs showing a bird and a puppy appear to be real, but the accompanying backstory is suspect.
Snopes→ Desert Attraction Temporarily Closes After 4 Dolphin Deaths
Dolphinaris Arizona said it will close temporarily beginning Friday as a panel of experts investigates potential factors in the dolphin deaths.
Truth or Fiction?→ Is Bread Bad for Ducks?
In January 2019, the Facebook page “Wild at Heart Rescue” shared the following illustration while claiming that it is dangerous — even potentially lethal — to feed bread to ducks: The drawings depicted waterfowl and the text said: Plea
Snopes→ Man Says Emotional Support Alligator Helps His Depression
Joie Henney, 65, said his registered emotional support animal named Wally likes to snuggle and give hugs, despite being a 5-foot-long alligator.
Snopes→ Rodeo Alaska Cow Evades Capture Wandering Anchorage Trails
Trail users began spotting Betsy the cow in the fall, posting about their sightings on social media and giving her near-celebrity status.
Snopes→ Did ‘Petey the Pelican’ Befriend a Stray Dog?
A picture of a pelican and a dog lying on a pier together suggests they were serious BFFs.
Snopes→ 2 Little Pigs ‘Pardoned’ Ahead of Miami Christmas Eve Feasts
Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez said he was instituting a new holiday tradition when he pardoned little pigs Layla and Luna outside a Miami restaurant.
Hoax-Slayer→ TRUE — The Tale of The Lion, Tiger and Bear Rescued from a Drug Dealer
Circulating message that features a photograph depicting a lion, a tiger and a bear together claims that the animals were rescued from a drug dealer's property early in their lives and have lived together in an animal sanctuary ever since. The post TRU
Hoax-Slayer→ Are Elephants Afraid of Mice? The Old Myth Revisited
I discuss the old myth that elephants are terrified of tiny mice. Is there any substance to the story? The post Are Elephants Afraid of Mice? The Old Myth Revisited appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
The Friends, the Video, and the Bear in the Bucket
October 2018 was, like the months immediately preceding it, a seemingly endless march of stressful news stories and increasing political tensions globally as elections loomed in countries around the world. That naturally led a subsection of internet regulars to seek out more uplifting, simple stories, preferably those involving rescuing cute animals. The Daily Mail got in on […]
The post The Friends, the Video, and the Bear in the Bucket appeared first on What’s True?.
Snopes→ Did Growers in Colorado Crossbreed Marijuana with a Venus Flytrap?
A video purportedly documenting a new strain of marijuana that was crossbred with a Venus flytrap actually shows a barnacle.
Snopes→ Did a ‘New Deadly Spider’ Species Kill Several People in the U.S. in the Summer of 2018?
A viral, scare-mongering Facebook post fabricated a series of fatal spider bites and used photographs of the relatively harmless woodlouse spider.
Snopes→ Is the Hammerhead Bat a Real Animal?
A photograph showing an odd-looking, large bat with an elongated face features a real animal, but the image may make the bat appear larger than normal.