Facebook has announced a news service aimed at providing users with a “personalized” slate of stories from four different types of categories: general, topical, local, and “diverse”: Diversity publishers as those focused on key
Publication: alt-right
Truth or Fiction?→ White Supremacist Arrested After Calling a Domestic Terror Attack ‘a Dry Run’
A man with ties to some of the most violent hate groups in the United States has been arrested and charged with illegal possession of firearms just weeks after his younger brother — also reportedly a known white supremacist — committed suicide. A
Snopes→ Did ‘Bots’ Force Al Franken to Resign?
The accuracy of stories blaming bots for duping Democrats into pressuring the former Minnesota senator to resign is being called into question.
Truth or Fiction?→ Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz is a Member of Antifa, Resistance Groups-Fiction!
Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz is a Member of Antifa, Resistance Groups-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz is a member of Antifa and has taken part in the “resistance” movement. The Truth: Nikolas Cruz does
Snopes→ Was Adam Schiff’s Sister Married to George Soros’s Son?
Rep. Adam Schiff, who authored a rebuttal to Devin Nunes's memo about the Trump-Russia investigation, is now the target of conspiracy theories and fake news.
Snopes→ Forged Documents Alleging Schumer Sexual Harassment Spark Police Investigation
Far-right trolls who boasted about having documents that could end a senator's career ended up backpedaling after journalists discovered that the complaint was faked.
Truth or Fiction?→ Antifa Manual Found at The Evergreen State College Campus-Unproven!
Antifa Manual Found at The Evergreen State College Campus-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: An Antifa Manual that outlines the Anti-Fascist (Antifa) movement’s agenda was found on the campus of Evergreen State College in Washington State. The Truth: T
Snopes→ Did a Black Lives Matter Activist ‘Demand’ That White People Give Up Their Homes?
Chanelle Helm wrote a list of recommendations about what wealthy white people can do to help eradicate racial injustice — if they want.
Snopes→ Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’
The former California governor made the comment during a 1975 interview with "60 Minutes," during a discussion about his economic philosophy.
Snopes→ Did an ‘Anti-Fascist’ Stab a Man Over a ‘Neo-Nazi’ Haircut?
Police said there's no indication an attacker who stabbed a man in Colorado was an "antifa" member.
Snopes→ Counter-Demonstrators Didn’t Have Permits in Charlottesville?
Counter-demonstrators had permits for two parks, while the "alt-right" was granted an injunction allowing them to use Emancipation Park.
Snopes→ White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and Constitutional Limits on Free Speech
Early reports characterized a statement regarding white supremacist violence put out by three California chapters of the ACLU as divergent in philosophy from the National chapter, highlighting a complicated relationship between free speech and hate.
Snopes→ Are ‘Antifa’ and the Alt-Right Equally Violent?
Violence has been ratcheting up on all sides during white supremacist rallies in recent months — but "antifa" is not planning the rallies, and statistically poses a lesser danger.
Truth or Fiction?→ Unite the Right Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter-Truth! & Misleading!
Unite the Right Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter, Occupy Wall Street-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Jason Kessler, a right-wing blogger and organizer of the “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville, was once a supp
Snopes→ Is There an ‘Alt-Left’?
The term "alt-right" was invented by the movement it describes; the term "alt-left" was invented to discredit their ideological opposites.
Snopes→ Are Charitable NGOs Trafficking People Across the Mediterranean to Europe?
A group of white nationalists afloat at sea claims that non-governmental organizations like Doctors Without Borders are involved in human trafficking.
Snopes→ Torch-Bearing White Supremacists Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
The crowd gathered to protest the planned removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Snopes→ Was the French Election Hacked by Russia?
National Security Agency director Michael Rogers said under oath that Russian hackers attempted to interfere with France's 2017 presidential election.
Snopes→ Viral Heineken Advertisement Praised After Pepsi Flub
An April 2017 Heineken advertisement showed people with opposing political viewpoints forming genuine connections.