Publication: 9/11
Logically→ The 1995 Illuminati card game proves that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job.
The September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States were carried out by Osama Bin Laden's terrorist group Al-Qaeda.
Logically→ WTC 1, 2 & 7 were brought down via controlled demolition.
An NIST investigation found no evidence of explosives and that WTC 1, 2 and 7 collapsed due to fires that weakened structural supports.
Logically→ The 9/11 attack was a hoax as crisis actors were hired to give their account of what happened to news reporters.
Numerous eyewitness accounts of the 9/11 attacks have been recorded in official public testimony.
Snopes→ Is the Florida Homework Assignment About Trump and Media Bias Real?
Readers asked if a picture truly showed part of a homework assignment handed out to students at a Florida middle school.
Snopes→ Was an LIV Golf Trophy Designed to Resemble the Twin Towers?
"The LIV Golf Invitational is a breakaway series made possible by the largesse of Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund," NBC News reported.
Logically→ The planes that hit the Twin Towers in the 9/11 attacks were holograms created using Project Blue Beam technology.
Truth or Fiction?→ Rudy Giuliani’s $911 Autographed 9/11 T-Shirts
On January 25 2022, a screenshot of the following tweet went around Imgur, containing the assertion that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was selling autographed 9/11 t-shirts for $911: He can try to sell them, but is anyone buying?There is
Poynter→ A BBC reporting error is not proof the network was part of an ‘inside job’ on 9/11
A longstanding conspiracy theory about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has resurfaced on social media. A widely shared Instagram post claims that a video from British public broadcaster BBC shows that the network […] The post A BBC repo
Snopes→ Did Biden Pull Down His Mask at 9/11 Ceremony?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Snopes→ FBI Releases Newly Declassified Record on Sept. 11 Attacks
The document is the first investigative record to be disclosed since President Joe Biden ordered a declassification review of materials that for years have remained out of public view.
Snopes→ How 9/11 Heralded 20 Years of Internet Conspiracy Theories
Within hours of the attacks, misinformation emerged online. It would be the start of a two-decade expansion and elevation of internet conspiracy theories.
Snopes→ 20 Years Later, Fallout from Toxic WTC Dust Cloud Grows
Two decades after the twin towers’ collapse, people are still coming forward to report illnesses that might be related to the attacks.
Poynter→ How Sept. 11 helped shape modern misinformation and conspiracy theories
Outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, a New Jersey man held up his hand for a camera as he told a local TV reporter about the chaotic scene he’d just witnessed inside the building. His palm was smeared with blood — blood that belonged to Ashli Babb
Snopes→ Spike Lee Re-Edits Documentary Series on 9/11 After ‘Truther’ Conspiracies Controversy
An episode in the series featured interviews with members of a conspiracy theorist group.
Snopes→ Did 9/11 Lead to the Creation of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’?
Random historical domino effects are often absurd, but also good for making viral content.
Truth or Fiction?→ For ‘Silent Help,’ ‘Ring 999, Then Press 55’
In January 2020, a Facebook photograph of a printed sign purportedly provided valuable advice to callers of 999, several countries’ version of the United States’ 911 — claiming that for “silent help,” callers impeded from
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Rep. Ilhan Omar Partied on 9/11 Anniversary’ Claim
On September 18 2019, United States President Donald Trump retweeted (archived here) a now-deleted claim that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) “partied” on the 18th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks: IIhan Omar, a member of AOC
Truth or Fiction?→ The Story of Gary Box on 9/11
On September 13 2019 a Reddit user shared the following post (“[His] Name is Gary Box”) to r/HumansBeingBros: Is name was Gary Box from HumansBeingBros Above a photograph of a firefighter in a tunnel, an apparent s
Truth or Fiction?→ Cornel Nistorescu 9/11 ‘Ode to America’ Editorial
On September 11 2019 a Facebook user shared an editorial credited to Romanian newspaper columnist Cornel Nistorescu. Alongside a photograph showing black smoke billowing out of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, the post was prefaced with comm
Truth or Fiction?→ Last Sunset 9/10/2001 Photograph
An image submitted to Reddit’s r/pics and r/interestingasfuck on September 10 2019 titled “Last sunset 9/10/2001” appeared without additional text or information, rapidly climbing to the top of the site’s r/all page on the eig
Truth or Fiction?→ United States Air Traffic on September 11, 2001
In September 2019, approaching the eighteenth anniversary of September 11th 2011, a Reddit user shared the following GIF purportedly depicting United States air traffic during and after the attacks to r/DamnThatsInteresting: U.S. Air Traffi
Truth or Fiction?→ Is This the Only Existing Footage Of the First Plane Hitting the World Trade Center?
As the anniversary of September 11 2001 approached in 2019, a video called “The Only Existing Footage Of 1st Plane Hitting WTC” circulated on social media in remembrance of a brief but pivotal moment in American history — but it’s
Snopes→ Some 9/11 Firefighters May Have Higher Heart Risks Now
Firefighters who arrived early or spent more time at the World Trade Center site after the 9/11 attacks seem to have a modestly higher risk of developing heart problems than those who came later or stayed less.
Snopes→ McConnell Pledges Vote on 9/11 Bill after Stewart Criticism
The news came from a group of first responders who met with the Kentucky Republican at the Capitol.
Snopes→ Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Congress Over 9/11 Victims Fund
Stewart and other speakers lamented the fact that nearly 18 years after the attacks, first responders and their families still have no assurance the fund will not run out of money.
Truth or Fiction?→ Does Facebook Deem Images of 9/11 Offensive and Prohibit Them?
On April 1 2019, a Facebook user shared a photograph of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 (archived here), claiming that the social media site “feels this photo is offensive and keeps removing it or hiding it”: Apparently Faceb
Snopes→ Was a Sculpture ‘Celebrating’ Saudi Arabia Erected at Ground Zero?
Outrage posts on clickbait web sites didn't tell the full story of an art exhibition.
Snopes→ Germany Deports Convicted 9/11 Suspect Home to Morocco
The Moroccan man convicted of helping three of the Sept. 11 attackers as they plotted to strike New York and Washington was flown from a Hamburg jail on Monday to the city's airport in preparation for his deportation to his home country.
Do Mobile Phones and Other 4G Devices Contain an ‘E911 Chip’?
Testing for a new cellular phone alert system (the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, also known as IPAWS) began on October 3rd, 2018, with a tone and a message sent across mobile networks. The grumbling began almost immediately, as startled or irritated Americans reacted to the unsolicited (but anticipated) test, but the griping turned […]
The post Do Mobile Phones and Other 4G Devices Contain an ‘E911 Chip’? appeared first on What’s True?.
Snopes→ Did Jennifer Lawrence Blame 9/11 on President Trump’s Stealing the Election?
A fabricated and nonsensical quote about the September 11th terrorist attacks and President Trump was falsely attributed to actress Jennifer Lawrence.
Snopes→ Did Billy Graham’s Daughter Say 9/11 Was ‘God’s Punishment’ for Trans People, Evolution, and Secularism?
During a 2016 radio interview, Anne Graham Lotz said 'God allows bad things to happen' like the September 11 attacks 'to show us that we need Him.'
Snopes→ Did President Trump Fist-Pump at a 9/11 Memorial?
An image showing President Trump making an excited hand gesture on 11 September 2018 is genuine, but the photograph was snapped at an airport, not at a 9/11 memorial.
Snopes→ Did Ripon College Ban a 9/11 Memorial Because ‘It May Offend Muslims’?
A conservative youth organization's claims about Ripon College's response to a controversial poster were contradicted by school officials.
Snopes→ Did a Scientific Study Prove That “Conspiracists” Are “The Most Sane of All?”
A conspiracy theory website drew a series of baseless or incorrect conclusions from a study that looked at the online comments of 9/11 truthers.
Snopes→ 9/11 Museum Marks 25th Anniversary of 1993 WTC Bombing
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum announced the opening of a special installation to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a 1993 truck bombing.
Snopes→ Is the NFL Hypocritical About Patriotic Displays?
Critics have pointed to the National Football League's seemingly contradictory stances on patriotic displays and national anthem protests.
Snopes→ Did a Buffalo Wild Wings Worker Turn Down the National Anthem Because It Is ‘Divisive’?
The controversy is grounded in a real incident, for which the worker's employer has apologized.
Truth or Fiction?→ Buffalo Wild Wings Mutes National Anthem on 9/11, Says It’s too Controversial-Mostly Truth!
Buffalo Wild Wings Mutes National Anthem on 9/11, Says It’s too Controversial-Mostly Truth! Summary of eRumor: The manager of a Buffalo Wild Wings in Riverside County, California, muted the National Anthem before a Monday Night Football game on t
Snopes→ Daisy the Dog Rescued 9/11 Survivors?
The tale a dog named Daisy who rescued countless souls from World Trade Center towers on 9/11 is inspiring but fabricated.