With basic arithmetic, viral posts attempted to expose discrepancies in Biden's presidential win.
Publication: 2020 election
Snopes→ No, Biden Transition Team Wasn’t ‘Removed’ from Pentagon for Leaking Intel to China
A meme circulating on social media offered no evidence to support its extraordinary claims.
Snopes→ Is Trump Right About Brad Raffensperger’s Brother ‘Ron’?
Well over 300 people share the last name Raffensperger in the United States.
Snopes→ Missouri Senator to Contest Electoral College Win for Biden
President Donald Trump has pushed Republican senators to pursue his unfounded charges even though the Electoral College this month cemented Biden’s 306-232 victory and multiple legal efforts to challenge the results have failed.
Snopes→ Did Pennsylvania Record 205,000 More Votes Than Voters?
Pennsylvania officials warned of "the dangers of uninformed, lay analysis combined with a basic lack of election administration knowledge."
Snopes→ Did McConnell Say Democrats ‘Shall Have No Victories’?
The remarks attributed to the Senate majority leader were not entirely implausible based on his past pronouncements.
Snopes→ Did City Blue Imaging Print Voting Ballots, Then Burn Down?
Wherever you find bad news, conspiracy theorists aren't far behind.
Snopes→ Did a Dead Person End Up Voting in Pennsylvania?
Officials discovered a case of election fraud in the state, but it turned out to be a vote for Donald Trump.
Snopes→ Did Franklin Graham Call on Pete Buttigieg to ‘Repent’ for Being Gay?
“Part of God’s love is experienced, according to my faith tradition, in the way that we support one another," Buttigieg said.
Snopes→ Can Veep Play the ‘Pence Card’ and Reject US Election Results?
An error-riddled rumor was copied and pasted across social media in an exceedingly desperate attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
Snopes→ Has the US Imposed Martial Law 64 Times?
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn claimed the president can use it to carry out new elections.
Snopes→ Counties Won vs. Popular Vote Does Not Signify Election Fraud
Counties are not a significant factor in U.S. presidential elections, but population density is.
FactCheck.org→ Perdue’s Shaky Claim of a Nonexistent ‘Investigation’
A TV ad from Republican Sen. David Perdue’s campaign claims a supposed “China scandal” involving his challenger, Democrat Jon Ossoff, “keeps getting worse.” But it’s the distortions of the facts that are getting wors
Snopes→ Did 2021 U.S. Defense Bill Nullify the Insurrection Act?
A defense budget bill was surprisingly controversial during the final weeks of 2020.
Snopes→ Will ‘Million Militia March’ Try To Stop Biden’s Inauguration?
Given the tumultuous 2020 election season, some unrest is expected.
Snopes→ Dominion Worker Sues Trump Campaign and Conservative Media
An election systems worker driven into hiding by death threats has filed a defamation lawsuit.
FactCheck.org→ Flawed Calculation Behind False Claim of Fraudulent Votes
Quick Take President Donald Trump and tens of thousands of others have shared a false claim on social media that there were “13 MILLION” more votes cast in the 2020 election than eligible voters who participated. That falsehood rests on a f
Snopes→ Barr: ‘No Reason’ for Special Counsel on Election, Hunter Biden
Outgoing Attorney General William Barr made the statement in his final press conference.
Snopes→ No, Military Generals Didn’t Announce Imposing Martial Law After Christmas
If they had, we're pretty sure you'd hear about it from a source more credible than this blurry meme.
FactCheck.org→ Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory
Quick Take A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, has verified the election results there, refuting a “forensics report” promoted by President Donald Trump that baselessly claimed the election equipment in the county was “desig
Snopes→ Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI
Election-fraud fan fiction spun out of control in 2020.
Snopes→ Did Congress Expel 14 Members for Supporting Confederacy, Not Acknowledging Lincoln as President?
There is a history of House and Senate members being kicked out, but did the reasons bear any resemblance to political events in 2020?
Snopes→ Is 6MWE an Anti-Semitic Proud Boys Slogan?
A Proud Boy wearing a shirt with the acronym 6MWE combined with a fascist symbol was seen in D.C. protesting the election of Joe Biden.
Snopes→ Did Putin Laugh at Trump and Call Him a ‘Loser’?
Captions can be deceiving.
Snopes→ Did Supreme Court Erupt in a Shouting Match Over Texas Voter Fraud Case?
Fake news is fake news, no matter who repeats it.
Snopes→ Is Trump Planning an Alternate Inauguration Ceremony in Florida?
Trump was supposedly preparing to celebrate his "second term" at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Inauguration Day, per a viral message.
FactCheck.org→ Cherry-Picked Pay-Raise Attacks on Perdue
A Democratic super PAC cherry-picks from huge appropriations bills that Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue opposed in order to accuse him of trying to increase his own pay while rejecting pay increases for the military. In a TV ad from American Bridg
Snopes→ Debunking Trump Tweets: Popular Vote Totals Indicative of ‘Rigged Election’?
Understanding the U.S. presidential election process is key to explaining its results.
FactCheck.org→ False Claim About Biden’s Win Probability
Quick Take Facebook posts have repeated a false claim about a “one in a quadrillion” chance that President-elect Joe Biden received more votes than President Donald Trump in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Experts told us the claim m
Snopes→ Did Alex Jones Say Biden Would Be ‘Removed’ From Office ‘One Way or Another’?
The comment prompted some to state that Jones had issued a veiled threat against Biden.
Snopes→ Will Trump’s Presidency End on the Day of a Comet, Meteor Shower, and Total Eclipse?
It is unlikely that U.S. viewers will be able to capture a glimpse of all three sky events.
Snopes→ Did Trump Retweet This Fake Photo of Amy Coney Barrett?
On multiple occasions, the sitting president has shared manipulated content.
Snopes→ Electors Meeting to Formally Choose Biden As Next President
Electors meet in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to cast their ballots on Dec. 14.
Snopes→ Trump Helicopter Buzzes Supporters Rallying in Washington
The rallies are intended as a show of force just two days before the Electoral College meets to formally elect Joe Biden as the 46th president.
FactCheck.org→ Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
A list of bogus election fraud claims, cobbled together from dubious websites and failed lawsuits aimed at overturning President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election, has spread widely online. It appeared in a recent story posted in a p
Snopes→ Has No Presidential Candidate ‘Won Iowa, Florida and Ohio’ and Still Lost?
U.S. President Donald Trump demonstrated in December 2020 that one can move the goal posts and still lose the argument.
Snopes→ RUMOR ALERT: Is Trump Planning To Skip Biden’s Inauguration?
It wouldn't be the first time the sitting president broke from tradition.
Snopes→ Was Georgia Sen. Elena Parent Counting Votes in PA?
Beware of imitations -- many poll workers look alike.
FactCheck.org→ Warnock’s False Ad on Taxes
A TV ad from Democrat Raphael Warnock falsely says Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler “supports raising taxes on Georgia’s middle class.” That’s a reference to the 2017 Republican tax law that temporarily cut individual income taxes, bu
FactCheck.org→ Warnock’s False Ad on Taxes
A TV ad from Democrat Raphael Warnock falsely says Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler “supports raising taxes on Georgia’s middle class.” That’s a reference to the 2017 Republican tax law that temporarily cut individual income taxes, bu