Publication: 2020 election→ Trump’s Welfare Claim

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that his administration has “lifted 10 million people off of welfare,” a figure that primarily includes the change in the number of recipients of food stamps, but also those enrolled in other progr Go to site post…»→ Great America PAC

Political leanings: Republican/Pro-President Trump  2018 total spending: $9 million  Great America PAC was formed in February 2016 as TrumPAC to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but soon became known as Great America PAC after the Go to site post…»→ Congressional Leadership Fund

Political leanings: Republican 2018 Spending: $159 million The Congressional Leadership Fund’s sole purpose is to win a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. The super PAC was formed in October 2011 as the conservative counter to Go to site post…»→ Priorities USA Action

Political leanings: Democratic/liberal 2018 total spending: $44.8 million  Priorities USA Action, a super PAC, was formed in 2011 by ex-White House staffers Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney to help reelect President Barack Obama in 2012. In 2016, it su Go to site post…»