Publication: 2020 election→ Trump Misleads on Ballots Again

In early October, about 2,100 voters in Los Angeles County accidentally received mail-in ballots that were missing the presidential race entirely. The county sent corrected ballots to them. But President Donald Trump appears to have twisted the episode Go to site post…»→ Trump on the Stump

We reviewed all of President Donald Trump’s speeches at campaign rallies over five days, from Oct. 12 to Oct. 16. There were six speeches and combined, Trump spoke for more than eight hours, averaging about one hour and 20 minutes per speech. Bel Go to site post…»→ Biden on the Stump

After months of doing mostly virtual events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden returned to in-person events with small, socially distanced crowds in September. He’s kept up his travel in October. We reviewed B Go to site post…»