The false and distasteful rumor emerged from some dark corners of the internet in October 2020.
Publication: 2020 election
Snopes→ Did TheOfficialProudBoys.Com Redirect to Trump’s Campaign Site?
It was unknown who established the URL redirect — or why.
Snopes→ Is This Yet Another Picture of a Melania Trump ‘Body Double’?
A conspiracy theory based on one photograph won't cut it if there are literally hundreds of other photographs — and video — that argue against it.→ Biden Hasn’t Suspended In-Person Campaigning
Quick Take A false claim on social media suggests former Vice President Joe Biden has stopped all in-person campaigning until the election. He has plans to visit several states before Nov. 3. Full Story Conservative websites and social media accounts
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Joe Biden Call Trump ‘George’ During a Live Video?
A tweet from an official for United States President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign highlighted a widespread disinformation campaign that hinged on attempting to manufacture a “gaffe” to pin on Democratic Party presidential nomi
Snopes→ Did Dem Voters Receive ‘Vote for Trump or Else’ Emails Linked to Overseas Servers?
The 2020 presidential election was rife with misinformation campaigns aimed at increasing voter distrust.
Snopes→ Did Biden ‘Admit’ to Voter Fraud?
Was the Democratic U.S. presidential nominee caught red-handed confessing to large-scale voter fraud less than two weeks before Election Day? Hardly.
Poynter→ The final presidential debate had fewer interruptions, but more falsehoods
Lee en español IFCN · The final presidential debate had fewer interruptions, but more falsehoods The final debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden started with a warning. The moderator, Kristen Welker, said that the→ Photo of Man in Halloween Costume Isn’t Mark Kelly
Quick Take Social media posts, including one retweeted by Donald Trump Jr., falsely claim that a yearbook photo shows Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly dressed as Hitler for Halloween. Kelly’s campaign and several of his former classmates to
Truth or Fiction?→ Mike Pence, LGBTQ Communities, and ‘a Radical Social Agenda’
Vice President Mike Pence’s political history drew renewed attention online in October 2020 as a meme criticizing him spread online in October 2020. The graphic, which was originally posted by poet Andrea Gibson on Instagram, reads: Mike Pence s→ Social Media Posts Misquote Trump on Immigrant Family Separations
Quick Take President Donald Trump didn’t say “‘GOOD’ about the kids being separated from the parents” at the southern border during the final presidential debate, as social media posts wrongly claim. He said “go ahea→ Trump Misleads on Ballots Again
In early October, about 2,100 voters in Los Angeles County accidentally received mail-in ballots that were missing the presidential race entirely. The county sent corrected ballots to them. But President Donald Trump appears to have twisted the episode→ Video: FactChecking the Final Debate
In this video, we review several false and misleading claims that President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden made at the final presidential debate on Oct. 22. Here are the claims that we cover in the video: Trump accused Biden of re
Snopes→ Did the White House Give Lesley Stahl a Blank Book of Trump’s Healthcare Accomplishments?
"A perfect metaphor for the Trump presidency," critics claimed. What really happened?→ Posts Target Trump With False Claim on MAGA Hats
Quick Take Social media posts erroneously suggest that President Donald Trump’s campaign hats are made in China, while those for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign are made in the U.S. The official hats sold by both campaigns are ma
Snopes→ Is Biden From the Same Scranton as ‘The Office’?
And is the home of world's most famous fictional paper company real?
Snopes→ Did Biden Call Black Americans ‘Super-Predators’?
In two debates, U.S. President Donald Trump mistakenly conflated a remark made by Joe Biden with one made by Hillary Clinton.→ FactChecking the Final 2020 Presidential Debate
Summary President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden faced off in the final presidential debate of the campaign. We found: Trump accused Biden of receiving “$3.5 million from Russia.” There’s no evidence of that. Biden said there
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the Trump Campaign Send Armed Men to a Polling Location in Florida?
A pair of armed security guards’ appearance near a voting location in St. Petersburg, Florida drew concern from observers both on the scene and online, as the story mushroomed on social media into a sign of something more sinister. According to
Snopes→ Did Biden Campaign Pull Ad After ‘Struggling Bar Owner’ Was Revealed as a ‘Wealthy Investor’?
A Trump spokesperson claimed the Biden campaign withdrew an ad featuring Michigan businessman Joe Malcoun because the campaign "got caught" in a lie.
Snopes→ Is Biden’s Logo a Reference to China’s ‘Three Red Banners’?
Conspiracies are often in the eye of the beholder.
Snopes→ Did Biden Use Racial Slurs in the Senate?
Social media users twisted Biden's words from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1985 by omitting their context.→ Bogus Claims of Debate Moderator Bias
Quick Take A tabloid story alleging that Kristen Welker, moderator of the final presidential debate, is politically biased has spawned several falsehoods on social media. Welker hasn’t donated to any federal candidates, and she wasn’t ̶
Snopes→ Is This Biden and Harris in Front of a Burning Flag?
A "composite image" is a combination of two different photographs.→ Posts Misquote Biden on Section 8 Housing
Quick Take Facebook posts falsely claim that at his Oct. 15 town hall event, former Vice President Joe Biden said he grew up in Section 8 housing. Biden actually said he lived in a building which “became Section 8 housing much later.” Full→ Trump on the Stump
We reviewed all of President Donald Trump’s speeches at campaign rallies over five days, from Oct. 12 to Oct. 16. There were six speeches and combined, Trump spoke for more than eight hours, averaging about one hour and 20 minutes per speech. Bel→ Biden on the Stump
After months of doing mostly virtual events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden returned to in-person events with small, socially distanced crowds in September. He’s kept up his travel in October. We reviewed B
Poynter→ Disinformation or defamation? Attacks against Trump and Biden resemble those seen in other countries
The Cambridge Dictionary is super clear: “defamation is the action of damaging the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them that are not true.” This is exactly what we’re seeing on social media and messaging apps
Snopes→ Is COVID-19 Stimulus Legislation Delayed Because of Pelosi?
The president repeatedly blamed the U.S. House Speaker for not caring about Americans since she would not agree to his terms for COVID-19 relief aid.→ Trump’s Long History With Conspiracy Theories
During a town hall event on Oct. 15, NBC News’ Savannah Guthrie pressed President Donald Trump on his sharing of a baseless conspiracy theory that accused his election rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, of murder. The theory, which has no b
Snopes→ Did Women’s March Protesters Assault a Woman for Carrying Trump 2020 Flag?
Activist Isabella DeLuca claimed she was "punched in the face and choked by two women" simply for carrying a Trump 2020 flag.
Snopes→ Did Women’s March Protesters Assault a Woman for Carrying Trump 2020 Flag?
Activist Isabella DeLuca claimed she was "punched in the face and choked by two women" simply for carrying a Trump 2020 flag.
Snopes→ Does a Photo Show Ice Cube, 50 Cent Wearing Trump Hats?
A manipulated image was just a lil bit misleading.
Snopes→ Did Biden Say He Grew Up in Section 8 Housing?
It appears that some social media users misheard — or misrepresented — a remark made during an ABC News town hall.→ Social Media Posts Dredge Up Baseless ‘Child Trafficking’ Conspiracy Theory
Quick Take Social media posts are once again making false and baseless claims about high-profile Democrats being involved in child trafficking and sex crimes. Full Story It’s hard not to overstate this simple fact: There is not and has never been
Snopes→ Did Trump Criticize Biden for Saying He’ll ‘Listen to the Scientists’?
U.S. President Donald Trump contrasted his own approach to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic to Biden's during a campaign rally in Nevada.
Snopes→ Some States Allow Ballots if Voters Die Before Election Day
Questions over whether ballots will count if someone votes early but dies before Election Day are especially pressing this year, amid a coronavirus outbreak that has been especially perilous for older Americans.
Snopes→ Did Donald Trump Jr. Say This About Women, Rape, and the President?
Generally speaking, Facebook memes are not a reliable source for factual information.
Snopes→ Did Ice Cube Help Trump Create Plan for Black Americans?
The claim surfaced roughly two years after the former N.W.A. member released the protest song, "Arrest the President."
Snopes→ ‘He Spent Their Blood Like Currency’: Trump Promotes Falconer’s Bizarre Anti-Biden Conspiracy Theory
The president, trailing Biden in the polls, repeatedly promoted baseless, inflammatory claims that Biden had orchestrated the slayings of "Seal Team Six" members involved in the Osama bin Laden operation.